Key Message Spider

A product by Publicom AG and Eurospider Information Technology AG






What is Key Message Spider?

The Key Message Spider (KMS) analyzes media and determines whether the key messages (core statements) of your press release have reached the desired target groups.

Darstellung KeyMessageSpider


You can easily check the success of your communication measures by providing us with your press release and marking the core statements. The rest we do for you.


Immediately after publishing the press release, you will receive the relevant articles and parts from all media (national, international, print, online, social media). Within two days, we will compile a comprehensive analysis report.


Publicom’s long-term experience in media analysis guarantees in-depth reports.


The innovative Key Message Spider System supports the media analysts with the latest methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

More Information?

Do you need fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on? Are you in­te­rested in a li­ve de­mons­tra­ti­on? Would you li­ke in­for­ma­ti­on about re­fe­rence cust­o­m­ers?

Do not he­si­ta­te to con­tact us.

Eurospider Information Technology AG
Winterthurerstrasse 92
8006 Zürich