SpiderView Media Analysis
SpiderView compiles relevant and up-to-date information derived from articles, posts, comments and tweets published in various media.
Integration of News Sources
SpiderView indexes its own collections of sources and also integrates data from aggregators, such as Factiva, LexisNexis and Swissdox. In addition, SpiderView is able to find new sources relevant to you.
Identification and Recognition of Relevant Information
SpiderView uses a combination of rule-based and machine learning methods. It automatically extracts relevant and up-to-date information from the various sources. Sophisticated tools are used to maintain the quality of the filtering process. A high degree of automation minimizes costs.
Information Analysis, Enrichment and Assessment
A thorough text analysis complements the gathered texts with persons, organizations, products and other entities. Sentiment analysis estimates whether the mentions of these entities are positive and/or negative. Furthermore, the impact of news on relevant events is determined by identification of follow-up articles and posts in the social media. Key terms that summarize the content are extracted for each articles.
Interpretation and Dissemination
Standard interfaces facilitate the export of observed media data to statistics applications. Statistical analysis helps to understand and interpret the data. The compilation of attractive reports, including charts and graphs, is straightforward due to report templates. In addition, SpiderView agents can alert you through automatic report generation.