ESG Compliance
Last Saturday, the NZZ wrote that “Three letters spell out one of the most popular trends in the world of finance: ESG” [1]. ESG stands for environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, with respect to pollution, human rights and transparent corporate management. Swiss politicians also deal with these three criteria, namely in connection with the corporate responsibility initiative [2]. The newly developed ESG RISK MONITOR detects relevant risks in multinational corporations, as well as for their partners and suppliers [3].
ESG News Update
Stay up-to-date with all the latest national and international legislative projects, relevant developments and events with the free biweekly ESG News Update. The ESG Risk Check checks up to 100 suppliers and creates detailed reports on the three riskiest entities. The ESG Risk Monitor monitors current supplier chains and send alerts when there are relevant developments. You can find more information here.
[2]https://www.bj.admin.ch/bj/de/home/wirtschaft/ gesetzgebung/konzernverantwortungsinitiative.html