Structured programming and compliance processes

Fifty years ago, computer scientists bid goodbye to confusing spaghetti code. Complicated top-down process diagrams were replaced by smaller, clearer sub-programs (procedures) based on Hoare and Wirth's ideas. Today, unfortunately, diagrams resembling the old data flowcharts displayed in the Bern Museum of Communication proliferate in compliance departments, frequently printed on A3 or even A2. While these compliance process diagrams may look impressive and intellectual, they’re unfortunately complicated and error-prone, like the old data flowcharts.

Image: A flow chart of the program used by PTT in 1968 to process phone bills on an IBM 1401


Complete Revision of the Federal Data Protection Act

Complete Revision of the Federal Data Protection Act: „As of 15th September 2017, draft and report for a completely revised Federal Data Protection Act is public. In a first step parliament and the people agreed to adaptations in order to be compliant with EU law. The second part of the revision is debated by the parliament since September 2019. Data Protection is to be increased by giving people more control over their private data as well as reinforcing transparency regarding the handling of confidential data.”


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